the same as flickering flame
The shape of the female pre-flower is the same as flickering
flame, while the male pre-flower has a shape like that of news the spade in the card
Male pre-flowers have a shape similar to that of the Spade
on the playing card, whereas female pre-flowers are longer and shaped like a
flickering flame. If you are confused about your
find diagnosis, then you can easily
understand by turning the light from 12 am-12 pm. During this period, the
flowering will start as females will release some little white hairs or
pistils, while the male plants will produce pollen sacs.
Female plants reveal leisurely than male plants. However,
you can still easily find out the female by recognizing it from its white hairs
or pistils. Just before the development of
house tell-tale pollen balls, male plants
start producing the green shoot in the same area.
Well, up till now, we have just shadowed upon the basics of
man and female plant indicators. Now, we are going to intensely discuss the
growth indicators of both genders of Marijuana.
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